
Player card for the game

Display them

You can personalise each player’s jacket with their name and photo simply by issuing them an NFC card to affix to their equipment.
Every time a player disables someone else, their face will appear on that player’s gun. It’s a great way to kick things up a notch in the arena. Each card is given back to the operator before entering the arena and can be reprogrammed for the next players.

It is not a membership card, but a simple and effective tool for personalising games in the image of groups of players.

Trophy and rank system

Global Membership

For added immersion, there are over a hundred challenges to complete in order to receive the associated trophies. Stay active for 7 minutes for the “Ninja” trophy, or earn the title of “Silver Expert” by finishing second in 10 laser games. Each trophy earns a certain number of “AP” (Achievement Points). The more complicated the challenge, the more AP you earn. What’s more, each game earns players experience points (XP). Collecting these points allows you to move up the ranks. There are 40 levels to pass; Grunt (52XP), Trooper (6,700XP) Chief (81,000XP) and so on. Your members will be able to see the other players in your centre and their ranks on the website .

Keep in touch with your players

Global Membership

Megazone centre players can use their membership card to connect to their jacket before each game by placing the card on the front left sensor of the chest protector. The equipment is then automatically personalised with the player’s nickname on the pistol screen. Their results and statistics are automatically recorded and can be consulted online. For the operator, in addition to attracting and retaining players through a constant challenge, this tool provides an automatic database.

Using the MyZoneLaser site and the information on the membership cards, it will be able to keep its visitors up to date by means of targeted (by age, location, etc.) and therefore non-invasive emailings or text messages.