

classic game modes

If you’re a laser novice and would like to know more
about how a standard game works, visit to find out more about the most frequently played modes and their scoring systems.

game mode


Standard Solo and Standard Team are the most common Laser Tag modes worldwide. They can be played individually (Solo) or as a team (Team), with each player having unlimited lives and ammunition. The aim is very simple: to achieve the highest score in the game by shooting at the enemy/opposing team in a limited time. In Standard Team, each team has a predefined color, while in Solo, all jackets light up in blue.

Pro tip
Preferable for beginners.
Solo | teams
Unlimited energy
Unlimited lives

Scoring system


Shoulder shooting | pistol


Back shooting


Chest shot

game mode

Energiser Madness

Energiser Madness is a single-player game. Each player has a limited amount of energy (ammunition). Those running out of energy can recharge at any time at an active base (aka Energise Bay). Only one base station is activated at a time. To recharge, simply be within range of the Energise Bay. Once recharged, the player will have 5 seconds of immunity, but will not be able to shoot. The recharge point will then change, and another base will be activated in the arena.

Pro tip
Any camper in a recharge zone can be dislodged by shooting the base to transfer this vital zone to another part of the arena.
limited energy
limited lives

Scoring system


Shoulder shooting | pistol


Back shooting


Chest shot

game mode

Color ranked

Color Ranked Solo is a variant of Standard Solo. It’s an “every man for himself” game, with unlimited lives and ammunition, the aim being to achieve the highest score in a limited time. The only difference is that the ranking is shown in real time, thanks to the color-coding of the jackets. Based on the color spectrum, Red represents the best player, while Pink is synonymous with last place. Each time a player’s ranking changes, the color will automatically change on his pistol and jacket.

Pro tip
Don't be color-blind.
Unlimited energy
Unlimited lives

Scoring system


Shoulder shooting | pistol


Back shouting


Chest shoot

game mode


Q-Team is a team game with limited lives. The aim is to achieve the highest score (not to be the last survivor) in the game in a limited time, by shooting at opposing players or teams. Once the life reserve is exhausted, the player must reload on a gate. The game ends after the allotted time. Please note: some gates may be reserved for a particular team; other colors will not be able to recharge with it.

Pro tip
Find the recharging gates quickly, so you can be up and running as soon as possible after a loss of life.
Unlimited energy
limited lives

Scoring system


Shoulder shooting | pistol


Back shooting


Chest shot

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