

Infectious game modes

These modes always start with a healthy group and an infected group. Altered states of health are represented by the color of the vest.

game mode


Vampire mode is a game of stalking and survival. The aim of the game depends on the player’s role. The Vampires’ aim is to convert humans into vampires. The Humans’ goal is to destroy the vampires. The vampires win if all the humans are converted or if, at the end of the game, there are more or as many vampires as humans. Humans (Greens): Humans have a limited number of lives and energy/ammunition and will be converted to vampires if either resource drops to 0. Vampires (Red): Vampires have more lives than humans, unlimited energy and take less time to reactivate. They must touch humans to convert them into vampires. A Vampire is eliminated if its lives drop to 0. To win, humans must outnumber or eliminate all vampires. Only humans still alive at the end of the game will be displayed on the score screen.

Pro tip
The game is based on players' good will and fair play: once transformed into a vampire, and even if this means losing the game, ex-humans must rally to the Vampires.
limited energy
limited lives

Scoring system

Out of energy


Become vampire



Scoring system

Out of energy


Become vampire


game mode


Infection is the brother of Vampire mode. Infected players must hit as many healthy players as possible in the back and chest (not the gun or shoulders) to infect them in turn. The game is played in 60-second rounds (variable on request). Healthy people will be stealthy (no color on jackets) and will NOT be able to shoot, the aim being to hide as long as possible. Patient 0 is chosen randomly at the start of each round. After the allotted time has elapsed, or once all players have been infected, a new round begins.

Pro tip
Even if infected, players can still earn points. This also works in favor of patient 0, who is more likely to infect all the players.
Unlimited energy
Per round

Scoring system


Healthy player

1 point per second

Patient 0

Time remaining * Time to infect all players


50 points per infection
game mode

Poison players

Poison Players is a team game where points depend, among other things, on the number of healthy (non-poisoned) members of your team. A player becomes poisoned when hit by a member of the opposing team (who gains points from this shot). The poisoned player’s jacket lights up in 2 colors. Points are calculated as follows: When a person touches an opponent, the number of points earned is equal to the number of healthy team members. Poisoned players can be healed by their team-mates with an “allied shot” on their jackets. Alternatively, they can wait for the poison to evacuate.

Pro tip
Implementing a strategy to "heal" the wounded quickly is strongly recommended to win the game.
Unlimited energy
Unlimited lives

Scoring system


Touching someone

Poison an enemy

Touching a poisoned ally

Heal Ally's poison

You're touched

You're poisonned

Scoring system


Touching someone

Number of healthy ally * 1

Touching a poisonned ally


You're touched

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