Rage quit
Rage quit game modes
This is where you’ll find the most challenging, selective and complex game modes. The rules are demanding, requiring a well-developed basic knowledge of Laser Tag and a cool head. Deactivations can be quick, fouls common, and if the forces between players/teams are unequal, expect to shout for help.
Friend or foe
Friend or Foe is based on the Standard Team mode. It is played in teams with unlimited lives and ammunition, the aim being to achieve the highest score in the game in a limited time by shooting at opposing teams. What makes this mode unique in its complexity is that no team is identifiable: all players wear the same color jacket. You’ll have to remember who’s on your side.

Scoring system
You hit an enemyShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
100Chest shot
200Scoring system
You hit an allyShoulder shooting | pistol
-1000Back shooting
-1000Chest shot
-1000Scoring system
Being hit by an enemyShoulder shooting | pistol
-12Back shooting
-25Chest shot
Midnight madness
Midnight Madness is a game of cunning and stealth. Like Standard Solo and Team, your aim is to get the best score, with one major change: all jackets and pistols switch to stealth mode, with no visible lights. This makes it easier to hide and sneak up on the enemy. Team mode means you’ll have to remember who’s on your side, and be less trigger-happy to avoid allied fire.

Scoring system
PointsShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
100Chest shot
200Random madness
Random Madness is a variant of Standard Solo. It’s an every-man-for-himself game, with unlimited lives and ammunition, the aim being to achieve the highest score in a limited time. However, only players with a blue jacket color will be able to shoot, and the color of each jacket will change regularly. The number of points awarded to a player who is hit depends directly on the color of his jacket.

Scoring system
Blue playerShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
100Chest shot
Zone ball
Zone Ball is similar to Handball: a team game in which team-mates have to pass the ball to the enemy’s base in order to score a point. Initially, the first player to touch his own base receives the “ball”. The team must do everything in its power to bring it back to the opponent’s base, so that the player with the ball shoots at that base. Players pass the ball back and forth, shooting at each other, and opponents can take it back by shooting at the player with the ball.

Scoring system
EffectThe holder of the ball touches an ally
Pass the ball to the allyAn opponent touches the holder of the ball
The ball is taken by the opposing teamThe ball-holder touches the base
The point is scoredScoring system
PointsThe holder of the ball touches an ally
/An opponent touches the holder of the ball
/The ball-holder touches the base
1Super Stabby Stabby
Super Stabby Stabby is a single-player elimination mode: every player for himself, with limited lives. The aim is to achieve the highest score, not to be the last survivor. In this mode, players have to cover their tracks, because unlike other elimination games, players can only lose life by being shot in the back. What’s more, the scoring system is slightly different: hitting in the back no longer earns 100 points, but 1,000.

Scoring system
PointsShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
1000Chest shot
200Scoring system
Enemy lifeShoulder shooting | pistol
No changeBack shooting
-1 vieChest shot
No change
Turtles is a single-player game with unlimited lives and unlimited ammunition, the aim being to achieve the game’s highest score in the allotted time. The difference with Standard Solo is that this mode requires players to walk slowly. If a player breaks this rule, his vest is automatically deactivated. The player can no longer shoot, but can still be hit. Deactivations are cumulative, and a player can remain deactivated for an entire game if he can’t hide.

Scoring system
PointsShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
100Chest shot
200One tag all
Nicknamed “Buddies”, this mode is a cousin of Standard Team and Solo, a game with unlimited lives and ammunition, the aim being to achieve the best team or solo score in the game in a limited time. Members of the same team are called “buddies” and are all linked: if one of the team players is deactivated, so are all his buddies. The points won are then multiplied by the number of players deactivated (NJ). If the game is not a team game, but an every-man-for-himself game, the person who deactivated a player – and therefore all the players in the game – will be deactivated himself. Linked even in adversity.

Scoring system
PointsShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
100Chest shot
Insanity is a randomized team game that will have you tearing your hair out. Never rely on the color of the jackets as being those of the people in your team: they change over time. These changes are not simultaneous, and differ from jacket to jacket. You won’t be able to shoot enemies with the same jacket color as you, but you will be able to disable players on your team if they have a different color from yours, which will disable them and earn you no points. The aim is always to get the best score, but the randomness of the allocations will make this a complicated task.

Scoring system
Player shoot enemyShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
100Chest shot
200Scoring system
Player shoot allyShoulder shooting | pistol
/Back shooting
/Chest shot
/Scoring system
Player shoot same color playerShoulder shooting | pistol
No effectBack shooting
No effectChest shot
No effect