Role-playing game
game modes Role-playing games
This group concentrates the most tactical modes. Participants can choose between different roles, each with its own characteristics (rapid fire, double points, limited ammunition, stealth mode vest, ability to restore teammates’ lives…). Teams will need to plan their attacks, playing with finesse and strategy to win the game.
Star Base Troopers
A team in Star Base Troopers mode is made up of Troopers, a Medic and a Commander. Troopers have 5 lives and 10 rounds of ammunition, while the medic and commander each have 10 lives and unlimited rounds of ammunition. With a single shot to a teammate’s jacket, the Commander has the power to replenish ammunition and the Medic lives. Team players can only be hit if their base is deactivated by an opposing team. The only way to earn points is to touch the Commander when the base is deactivated.

Scoring system
PointsTrooper deactived
/Healer deactivated
/Commander deactivated
Commanders is derived from Standard Team mode, a team game with unlimited lives and ammunition, the aim being to achieve the best score in the game with your group in a limited time. However, each team has its own Commander. The first team member to pull the trigger 2 times is selected as Commander, and will see his jacket and pistol light up white. The Commander doesn’t earn more points by disabling other players, but earns 5 times more points for his opponent if he gets hit. You need to organize your team to best protect your commander, and choose him for his agility and ability to avoid enemy fire.

Scoring system
Trooper hitShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
100Chest shot
200Scoring system
Commander hitShoulder shooting | pistol
250Back shooting
500Chest shot
1000Ka-boom !
Your mission is to trigger the KA-BOOM. To do this, you need to collect 3 keys from the bases. The number of keys a player has will affect the colour of his jacket. If a player is hit, he automatically loses all his keys. The same bases can be hit several times, but not twice in a row. When a player recovers the third and final key, all the bases are primed and light up in white. If he manages to hit a final base without being deactivated, the bomb explodes and he is awarded 10,000 points. Once the bomb has been detonated, the game restarts at 0. Disabling your opponents earns you points if, and only if, you have at least one key. If you don’t have a key, you can still disable your enemies, but you won’t earn any points.

Scoring system
Player without keyJacket color
BlueDeactivate an adversary
0Bonus point
NoneScoring system
Player with 1 or 2 keysJacket color
Green / RedDeactivate an adversary
100Bonus point
NoneScoring system
Player with 3 key = primingJacket color
WhiteDeactivate an adversary
100Bonus point
+1000 pointsScoring system
Player started ka-boomJacket color
Back to blueDeactivate an adversary
/Bonus point
+10000 points
Powerball is a derivative of Standard Solo and Team. The “Powerball” is a bonus randomly assigned to a player at the start of the game. The points earned by this player will be 4 times greater than normal. When this person is hit by an enemy, the Powerball is transferred.

Scoring system
Player without powerballShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
100Chest shot
200Scoring system
Player with powerballShoulder shooting | pistol
250Back shooting
500Chest shot
Seeker is a team game. Two types of players face each other: Ghosts, who can shoot and score points, and Seekers, who can shoot but won’t improve their scores (simple defensive weapon). Only one ghost team is allowed at a time. At the start of the game, all teams are Seekers in search of the ghost base. Once found and destroyed by an X team, the base will give them ghost status. Each time it is destroyed, the ghost base changes location to avoid camping. At any time, the Seekers can take back the ghost status from the opposing team by finding and destroying the base.

Scoring system
Ghost déactivate seekerShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
100Chest shot
200Scoring system
Seeker deactivate GhostShoulder shooting | pistol
/Back shooting
/Chest shot
Terminator is a variant of Standard Solo. It’s every man for himself, with unlimited lives and ammunition, and the aim is to achieve the highest score. During the game, players can randomly become the Terminator for 30 seconds. The Terminator has a high rate of fire, a shield of 10 (the next 10 shots will be harmless) and its points earned are multiplied by 4. Malus: The Terminator must move slowly. Otherwise it will be disabled for 4 seconds.

Scoring system
Standard playerShoulder shooting | pistol
50Back shooting
100Chest shot
200Scoring system
TerminatorShoulder shooting | pistol
200Back shooting
400Chest shot
Battleforce can be played solo or in a team, and is aimed at fans of “Role Play”. Each player can choose from 8 characters, each with its own style of play, scoring, shooting speed and deactivation time: Sniper, Trooper, Artillery, Gunner, Secret Service, Agent, Renagade and Engineer. The table briefly introduces 3 characters.

Scoring system
* 0.5Trooper
* 1Artillery
* 3Scoring system
Shot per secondsGunner
0.5Scoring system
deactivation timeGunner