Battle royal


Battle royale game modes

The aim is simple: to stay in the game as long as possible. With your lives limited and your opponents determined, juggle hiding places and risk-taking to stay last in the game.

game mode

Survivor Legacy

Survivor Legacy is a single-player game with limited lives. The aim is to be the last survivor of the game. No score here, but a life bar that empties and fills up depending on whether you get hit or disable an opponent. A hit allows you to recover a point of life and thus survive longer. Your position on the podium at the end of regulation time is linked to your time in the game: the faster you are eliminated, the lower you will be in the ranking. If more than one player survives after the time limit, they will be separated by the number of life points they have left.

Conseil de pro
Play tactically to avoid being eliminated in two minutes. And don't cower in the corner: the winner is not necessarily the last person in the game, but the one with the most lives.
Unlimited energy
Unlimited lives

Scoring system



+1 life

Being hit

-1 life
game mode

Weakest Link

Weakest Link is similar to Elimination Team: it’s a team game with limited lives. The aim is to achieve the highest score with your team, not to be the last survivor. However, this mode has a special feature: players on the same team share their hit points. If one player is hit, all allies lose a hit, and the whole team is eliminated once the life reserve is exhausted. So avoid staying in groups: a single attacker can quickly deplete a team’s lives.

Pro tip
Play tactically to avoid rapid elimination. Protect your weakest players (and be lenient with them). Players' group levels must be balanced within the team.
limited energy
limited lives

Scoring system


Shoulder shooting | pistol


Back shooting


Chest shot

game mode

Super Stabby Stabby

Super Stabby Stabby is a single-player elimination mode: every player for himself, with limited lives. The aim is to achieve the highest score, not to be the last survivor. In this mode, players have to cover their tracks, because unlike other elimination games, players can only lose life by being shot in the back. What’s more, the scoring system is slightly different: hitting in the back no longer earns 100 points, but 1,000.

Pro tip
This mode of play is no reason to play an entire game on your back.
Unlimited energy
limited lives

Scoring system


Shoulder shooting | pistol


Back shooting


Chest shot


Scoring system

life of the adversary

Shoulder shooting | pistol

no change

Back shooting

-1 life

Chest shot

no change
game mode


Elimination (Solo/Team) is a game with limited lives. The aim is to achieve the highest score (not to be the last survivor) in the game in a limited time, by shooting opposing players or teams. As the name suggests, once the life reserve is exhausted, the player is eliminated. This mode is played differently from “all-out” games: players want to stay in the game as long as possible, so they approach the game more tactically. The game ends after the allotted time or with the last survivor.

Pro tip
Play tactically to avoid being eliminated in two minutes. Don't cower in the corner either: the winner is not necessarily the last person in the game, but the one with the most points. Team levels must be balanced.
Solo | teams
Unlimited energy
limited lives

Scoring system


Shoulder shooting | pistol


Back shooting


Chest shot


Scoring system

effet sureffect on the opponentl’adversaire

Shoulder shooting | pistol

-1 life

Back shooting

-1 life

Chest shot

-1 life
game mode

Elimination Rounds

Elimination Rounds is similar to Elimination, but is played in teams and by “round”. Each team must eliminate its opponents as quickly as possible to win a round. Rounds only end when a team wins. This victory brings a single point to each player on the team. If play stops before the end of a round, no points are awarded.

Pro tip
This mode of play is no reason to play an entire game on your back.
Unlimited energy
limited lives

Scoring system


1 deactivated enemy


Every enemy deactivated

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